Wet Dreams of Sir John Hubert Marshall
John Hubert Marshall was the head of Archeological survey of India and it was under his aegis that cotton was discovered at an Indus Valley excavation site at Mohenjo-daro. While it was evident from a number of artefacts that were found during this excavation that the people of Indus practices a very different relationship to land. For instance sexuality of the body and the fertility of land were one and the same thing. Several ritualistic objects illustrating this connection were discovered during the digs. Despite all the evidence John Marshall omitted a number of such examples or decontextualised them. Porbably, owing to the then prevelant conservative Victoriam morality.
During this work we conjure a god figure from the Indus time and brig it in conversation with John Hubert Marshall. The conversation is however held in the context of the polluted landscapes of the cotton farms where toxicity has seeped into the Earth and the human body indiscriminately.